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Mike Davis

Dr. Mike Davis



My lab studies the amazing plant diversity of longleaf pine forests. My current research focuses on ways to accelerate understory restoration in these forests using heritage cattle and prescribed fire. The following is a list of current projects underway in my lab:
1. Effects of water table depth on plant diversity in pitcher plant bogs
2. Effects of forest management on pollinator diversity
3. Using Pineywoods Cattle to accelerate understory restoration in longleaf pine forests
4. Developing an FQI for central Gulf Coastal Plain longleaf pine forests
5. Resilience of gallberry to prescribed fire
6. Effects of fire and herbicide on soil microbial diversity

  • PHD - Auburn University (1999)
  • BS - Auburn University (1992)

Dendrology, Plant Ecology, Economic Botany, General Botany, First Year Foundations

  • Southern Appalachian Botanical Society

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Johnson Science Tower (JST) 1009 map




Areas of Expertise

plant ecology, longleaf pine forests, pitcher plant bogs, restoration ecology, environmental science